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Our Chart

Founded 22nd January 1990 Southend 8pm

Ascendant Virgo (loves details applying it correctly) Sun Aquarius (Astrology and Groups) Gemini MC (Aims for friendly discussions) Moon Sagittarius (Inspirational and Optimistic)

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Welcome to Our Site

We welcome everyone that is interested in learning or furthering their knowledge of Astrology.

Since the pandemic struck the world, we now hold meetings online via Zoom, every 3rd Tuesday in the month, 3 of the 12 yearly meetings are held on a Saturday at our Rochford venue-this gives an enjoyable break 

for hands on Astrology with a themed workshop.

Our small friendly group has been running since 1971 with aims to bring its members a meeting place for like minds, a chance to gain confidence in one’s Astrology through exploring charts and to some in-depth research. 

We meet with the intention of not just exploring Astrology and related subjects, in the past and future events, world current affairs and people of interest; with our occasional workshops, some members have a social meetup.

We run a non-profit organization, entirely by enthusiastic volunteers, meeting the third Tuesday in the month, at 7.00pm for start at 7.30pm till 9pm. Most have considerable experience to teach, give lectures and hold joint discussions. Many famous astrologers have visited us from all over the world giving lectures at our meetings.

We hold an extensive library, loaned out to members for a small fee.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Sandy, Pam and Anne

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