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About Us

9th October 1971 Southend Chart 8pm

Southend Astrology Group was founded 9th October 1971. The 5 Founder members - Tom Fripp - Jean Boyter - Joyce Hall - Bob Tully and Violet Milne (whom remains our president) have all since past, leaving a lasting legacy in our friendly group. Having attended meetings and lectures at the London based ‘Astrological Association’ and attending the 1971 conference (that are still held each year) the seed was sown to get ‘Southend Astrology’ organised and on the map, 

Joyce stated that we were the first group of our kind and took up teaching the subject, as did Bob Tully, with our group soon blossoming into a thriving meeting place, eventually, meeting at the Civic Centre twice monthly on Mondays, till 1990.

With many changes taking place on the 22nd January1990 at 8pm the ‘Southend Astrology Group’ was reformulated hence a new chart was drawn up for this moment and is in use today

About Us: Welcome

Our Logo


In 1984 Terry Scott printed our 1st magazine ‘Seastar’, which sadly no longer exists. From this our logo printed on the front of that issue, was born. It is of a mermaid wearing Neptune’s crown, displaying the group’s links with the sea – thanks to being centred at Southend. The fish-tail goat stands for Capricorn, of course, and identifies the Ascendant of the Group’s natal chart. In the mermaids hands is a pair of scales – for Libra, home of the Group’s Sun. In one hand is the Sun itself: in the other, the Moon.
(We have Elaine Scott – one of our past members –to thank for her art skills in designing this logo for our Group).

About Us: Who We Are
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